August 25, 2005

I am God

This is the height of noodliness!! The ‘Flying Spaghetti Monster’ is the overlord of a new parody religion- ‘Pastafarianism’. (Remember the famous Rastafarian Bob Marley, anyone???). Wikipedia has more.

Some interesting ‘facts’ about the religion –

  • Prayers are ended with the word Ramen rather than Amen.
  • Like the noodles they worship, Flying Spaghetti Monsterists have flimsy moral standards.
  • Promise of a stripper factory and a beer volcano in Heaven.
  • Global warming, earthquakes, hurricanes, and other natural disasters are a direct consequence of the decline in numbers of pirates since the 1800s.

The open letter to the K.S. Board by the creator and self-proclaimed ‘prophet’ of the religion, Bobby Henderson, is particularly enlightening. It includes a reader’s response –


Today I was blessed to receive a divine revelation from our Almighty Flying Spaghetti Monster. I have the privilege of informing you that it is His will that I become His Bride, in order that the Savior of mankind (who is to be called Macaroni) may be born on this earth. The FSM has revealed to me that your body is to be the vehicle by whichhis holy seed shall be transmitted in earthly form.

To that end, I have reserved a room for us at the Best Western Airport Inn, Boise, Idaho, for the evening of [removed]. I will be the woman wearing the WWFSMD t-shirt and eye patch.

I look forward to meeting you and fulfilling the will of our noodly master.

Boise, Idaho

The Flying Spaghetti Monster, the Invisible pink unicorn, the invisible green dragon. What else now?? What about some Swimming Red Kanglasha, or perhaps a Simmering Spotted Sangai for our own Manipur??


Anonymous said...

God is dead - Nietzsche.

I am just quoting randomly. keep blogging and writing. its wonderful.

hitchhiker said...

Nietzsche never met me..
and blog i shall..